Shaping a value-based healthcare system for Luxembourg based on data

Francois Muller a

The Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg is in the process of defining its national health strategy based on discussions that took place on the health round table and based on health data. The presentation aims to show the process of data collection towards strategy development.

After having introduced clinical coding in 2017, Luxembourg has proceeded to launch a health round table in 2020, gathering all health leaders of the country to discuss how a sustainable health system can be shaped. The discussion of this health round table (in Luxembourgish: Gesondheetsdėsch were supported by health data and will ultimately lead to the national health strategy that will be published before the PCSI conference. The presentation will thus give an overview of where Luxembourg stands in terms of clinical coding and data production and analysis in general, of what the future challenges that were discussed by the health round table consist of and how both of these elements lead to a national health strategy that in return will lead to a value-based approach and mor integrated patient pathways.

Thus, the methods used in the process are the following:Results
The results consist of the availability of the relevant data, the consolidated results of discussions around the health round table as well as a comprehensive health strategy for the years 2022 to 2030.

The case of Luxembourg shows how health data can be used to gather all stakeholders of a healthcare system around a table to discuss evidence-based challenges and ultimately defining a national health strategy.

a Muller Healthcare Consulting, Luxembourg

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