Evaluation of health services costs in the field of ophthalmology in the polish health care system

Anna Maria Albrycht a, Irena Rutkiewicz a, Anna Pomianowska a

Vision - is one of the four basic human senses. Loss of sight, but also visual impairment, has a profound impact on all aspects of human life, including professional work, development opportunities and self-realization. For this reason, the prevention of eye diseases, their early diagnosis and effective treatment should be one of the priorities of public health policy.

Currently, the Polish system includes 37 polish diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) dedicated to eye diseases. Only 1 group relates to the accounting of the nonsurgical diseases, remaining groups involve the performance of the diagnostic or surgical intervention.

It is assumed that the basis for the assessment will be a cost analysis based on data provided on the patient, as well as financial data on ward level.

In case of difficulties in obtaining data of the resources associated with service delivery, expert analysis is used. This allows for a correct assignment of the resources used.

If a statistically significant data sample is available, evaluations are carried out (e.g. with regards to the following variables: length of hospital stay, age, diagnosis, procedure, service provider category, cost center specificity, i.e. pediatric surgery versus. general surgery), the results of which will help identify the need to introduce potential changes in the features of polish DRGs (JGP). It is also planned to conduct analyzes aimed at comparing the cost of unilateral procedures with the cost of bilateral procedures, as well as comparing the costs of identical procedures performed in the hospital, in outpatient conditions in hospital clinics or in outpatient clinics.

Adjusting the costs evaluation of chargeable services to the real costs of the service providers will allow to ensure a better standard of hospital payments by adjusting the level of reimbursements and financial aid for patients as well as facilitate access to the services concerned within the public system.

a Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System, Poland

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